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Rivers of Consciousness Part II

Rivers of Consciousness comparison of protocols

rivers of consciousness

Comparing what I call “Rivers of Consciousness”

Two protocols working with Energies in the body that are contacted through touching points on the head. This is actually Part II so if you read Part I skip over this first part and you can go straight to the paragraph describing “The Bars.”


Rivers of Consciousness

 Clearing Patterns from the BodyMind-A Comparison of Effective Protocols


The Reason of and purpose of this project is to observe and analyze whether one or the other of these parallel processes/ similar protocols, Donna Eden’s, Eden Energy Medicine treatment the “Black Pearl Sanctuary,” and Gary Douglas’s, Access Consciousness, hands on body process “The Bars” is more effective or appropriate in certain circumstances than the other.

The Plan is to observe, chart (3D) and compare and contrast the points used, procedures and outcomes of the these protocols.  Although each of these treatments has different basis they have numerous commonalities.  Both protocols involve holding individual or combinations of different points on the head. Both work with thoughts and emotions that impact our lives and have a deeply relaxing result. The intention of this project is to show where they converge and diverge and when the choice of one over the other might beneficial.

What binds these techniques together is the great commonality of all that is: energy, space and consciousness. When we touch the body/being of another we are coming into contact with all of these. When we use an energy technique or intervention we are applying a correction to the most tangible, measurable part of the being, the physical body. We do that with the energy of our hands. Even then it is ephemeral at best. Like any activity we can approach it in the simplest most purely mechanical way. Or we can go into it with a deeper knowledge and understanding of the universe we live in. Both are acknowledged here.


What was done – A  history of each protocol, a comparison, and notes on what I observed with each follows.

If you Saw this one before the first Blog “Rivers Of Consciousness part I”Click the link to start at the beginning! CLICK HERE for Part III


Rivers of Consciousness – Access Bars

The Bars       Rivers of Consciousness

Gary Douglas is known as the founder of Access Consciousness and the “Bars” hands on body process.  He, like Donna Eden, began acknowledging, developing and his using his gifts as an intuitive. His path was initially as a psychic and channel. The “Bars” came out of a channeling session Gary was asked to do.

During the session he was shown 32 points on the head. His awareness about these points was that this information had not existed in this reality before and that these points, called Bars, were a tool to help people begin functioning in a different way.  This was the beginning of Access Consciousness.  Access Consciousness has many tools to facilitate people to change and possibility.

The Bars are points on the head that have different names and relate to different themes. It is also the name of the protocol. They are described as the hard drive of our being’s computer bank. When someone touches these points or “runs” Bars for another person it dissipates the electrical charge of these points and the thoughts, feelings and emotions that are stored in our being around those themes.

It is useful to note that the idea behind this is that we are Infinite Beings who frequently cut off our connection to our “Being-ness.” We lock up or cut off our ability to receive from this infiniteness by polarizing oneness with our thoughts, feelings and emotions thereby creating separation. Touching the Bars and dissipating this polar charge creates an ease and connection with our ability to receive and be.


What about Rivers of Consciousness in our LIVES?


I wax poetic calling these energy patterns Rivers of Consciousness but truly consciousness is everywhere in all things.

I live to think about us deciding things and intentionally flowing those conscious rivers of energy in all areas of our lives.

Where are you conscious? Where is your energy flowing or not Flowing?  What are the dynamics of actually consciously flowing energy?

To hear about MORE than there was room for in my Paper

Check out this Video and hear about a

DEATH from Energy Medicine Research

and much more about how it all relates to Meridians, Organs, Muscles

and healing bodies.

Learn more in classes or sessions with me…see more at


~Stay Light

