Access Consciousness® Foundation | Live | Lincoln, NE
This class is being rescheduled! Please get ahold of me if you were about to register :)
Friday- Monday, November 3-6th 2023 3.5 days
Pricing: $2500.00
(Repeat Price $1250 if you have had the Foundation within 12 months)
Facilitated by Amy Williams CF, BF
Thursday Nov 2nd Access Bars (Pre-requisite for Foundation/ Bars can be taken anytime.)
Both Bars & Foundation Facilitated by Amy Williams, CF, BF – Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator
21 CE’s for LMT’s includes hands on and Ethics
See More on Pre-requisite details and Early Bird Sign up Bonus below!
Access Consciousness® Foundation is one of the Core classes of Access and a pre-requisite for many of their other classes. The target of Access Consciousness s “Empowering People to know that they know.”
What if it’s possible to change anything? Thousands of people around the world have created the life they desire by using the simple and pragmatic tools that are introduced in the Foundation class. Receive a toolbox that will allow you to break apart limitations and to build a new foundation of limitless possibility.
What if it’s possible to change anything? What if you know something that no one else knows? What if now is the time to express and choose everything you came here to be?
What do you desire? What would you like to be different? Would you like more joy? More fun? More ease? Would you like to wake up in the morning with a sense of gratitude… happy to be on the planet?
Whatever it is for you, it IS possible. Thousands of people around the world have created the life they desire by using the simple and pragmatic tools of Access Consciousness® that you will be introduced to in the Foundation class.
Pre-Requisite: Access Bars
Four and a Half Days of class includes the above listed Access Bars Class. If you have taken Access Bars before you do not have to take it again now unless you desire to have the juicy day of gifting and receiving The Bars.
• Foundation – $2500.00
***$50 worth of Bonuses…
***Payment by Cash, Check, Venmo or PayPal Friends and Family Sign up Bonus:
Sign up and pay for Foundation by Oct 15th and Receive a 30 Minute Free One on One Phone Coaching/Clearing Private Session. ($50 value)
Pay Check , cash, Venmo or make payment by PayPal friends and Family And Receive a 30 Minute Free One on One Phone Coaching Session ($50 value)
Use this email address: for PayPal friends and family or message me for instructions: or Amy-williams-us2 for Venmo
• Bars Repeat Pricing $220 for age 16-18 or adult price if Repeating the class
• Foundation Repeat Pricing $1250 for age 16-18 or adult if Repeating the class within a Year
• Age 15 and under Free with paying adult Bars – $440.00
***Please request PayPal friends and family instructions if required.
****If you have previously had Bars you do NOT have to re-take it. you may simply sign up for the 3.5 days of Foundation.
LIVE Foundation Location:TBA In Lincoln,NE