**Niagara Falls Getaway!
Saturday, July 29th 2023
9:30 am – 5:30 pm 8 CEs • Pricing: $440.00
Facilitated by Amy Williams CF, BF $440.00
$220 for ages 16-18 or if Repeating the class
Age 15 and under Free with paying adult
8 CEs for LMT’s
What if your life could change in an Hour?
Bars is a hands-on energetic body process that moves a lot of energy quickly. Some say a Bars session is like having a great massage, but with your clothes ON.
The Bars are 32 points on the head that have different names and relate to different themes like kindness, gratitude, control, money, time, and creativity. They are described as the hard drive of our being’s computer bank. When someone touches these points or “runs” Bars for another person it dissipates the electrical charge of these points and the thoughts, feelings and emotions that are stored in our being around those themes. We lock up or cut off our ability to receive and move energy polarizing thoughts, feelings and emotions thereby creating separation and discord in body and mind. Touching the Bars and dissipating this polar charge creates an ease and connection with our whole being.
Course Objective: To provide practitioners with a technique to move energy in the body in a powerful way. Students will learn background, theory, hands on techniques for accessing the energy Bars on the head. Next they will observe a demonstration of the location of the points and the hand positions by which each combination of points is touched. After demonstration, students will practice hand positions and exchange sessions with other students. Each student will gift and receive two full sessions being able to experience it from both vantage points to experience the energy, its feels, flow and its benefits.
LOCATION: Area Hotel Niagara Falls, Ontario Canada